Support Health with Auricular & Facial Reflexolgy

Reflexology is non invasive & moves out of tension response & into parasympathetic relaxation response.

Reflexology = pressure on specific points on maps in the ear or face to increase circulation and optimizes oxygen plus nutrition supply and waste removal of the corresponding body systems.

Our body detoxifies 24/7, but Reflexology supports the body to get rid of plaque, which happens to build additionally up over processed food, to much sugar, long-term medication, chronic diseases, inflammation, or heavy illnesses. Once the waste is removed, proper nutrition can reappear - tissues become vitalized and the body’s ability to heal itself enhances.

Benefits can be: increased sleep quality, proper function of digestion, pain-free joints, prevention of headaches/migraines, lessen of flareups with chronic diseases, help with fatigue.

Reflexology activate the parasympathetic system, which helps prevent high stress levels, depression, and overwhelming feelings.

With enhanced circulation and detoxification, symptoms such as increased urination, headaches, nausea, cramps, skin eruptions, rashes, and fatigue may occur. This indicates that the body works onsite.

High intake of water, unsweetened teas and an opportunity to rest helps the body to work through this “healing crisis.” It is suggested to keep going with the therapy to keep up the momentum. What is already cleansed cannot be cleansed a second time.

A good time for appointments is in the afternoons or on Saturday.

I am looking forward to support you and your health.

I work with the client to develop a detailed treatment plans dependent upon the individuals needs at that time. This can involve dietary and lifestyle recommendations. Both care and professionalism are of great importance as I seek to do the best for my clients. Note: Reflexology should not be used as an alternative to seeking medical advice. As a reflexologist I do not claim to cure, prescribe or diagnose.


Where & When:

Antigonish: 27th April & 4th May

Duration: 60 Min

Send a text! 902-870-2306

$ 45.00

THE PERFECT MOTHERS DAY GIFT! 3 sessions x 60 min. A unique treatment for the unique person in your life! GIFT a deeply relaxing experience with refreshed outcome!


20% OFF on all treatments for 65 YEARS PLUS & people with CHRONIC DISEASES (Confirmatin from physician is reequired)

Increased blood flow and oxygen supply optimizes functions within your body and helps to minimize inflammation and pains.

FACIAL REFLEXOLOGY In order to provide the best possible care for my customers, I am still perfecting my training…